Friday, April 9, 2010

planning for picnics

If this 80˚ sunshine weather holds, I think I'll plan a Sunday picnic. What about you? Any plans for the weekend?

{Oops! Almost forgot to tell you that the photo is from here.}


  1. Ohhh a picnic sounds perfect! Perhaps I'll copy :)

  2. I have been day dreaming of picking fruit and the perfect Spring wardrobe, on my latest post.

  3. hi Mia...thanks so much your recent comment in my fashion bloggy, i really appreciate it. i hope to get me on of those hats if i am lucky.

    this is such a lovely vintage photo, i love it and i sure hope you go out and have that picnic you have in mind we have to take advantage of this nice weather we are having right now. i hear rain is in the forecast for early next week, we'll see. anywhoot, tomorrow we'll be going out to watch our friend's daughter's softball game, that should be fun, maybe we can make a picnic out of it since we'll be there.

    geez, sorry for my long reply/comment.

    have an AWESOME weekend

    *-* liz

  4. its sunny outside here but its still a bit picnic will have to be postponed till it is sunny and warm!

  5. It ended up being chilly here too and eventually raining. It was no day for a picnic after all.

  6. i love the vintage reminds me of my grandparents and their pictures from the 1930s.
    xox alison



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