Friday, July 3, 2009

Ready, Set, Go Again!

We arrived home Saturday after midnight (so technically Sunday) and were on the road again by Thursday. Now we find ourselves looking out our hotel window at that gates of San Francisco's China Town. I'm so glad we took our friend Tanya's advice and decided to take a breath of the fresh sea air some where in our own downtown before we left again. It was even her idea to wear the giant sunnies.

Tomorrow will be our one year anniversary. Any ideas of what we should do in the city? We're up for (almost) any kind of adventure.


  1. Last time Em and I were there we did a double-team on the Museum of Modern Art (there was a Frida exhibit) and then a Giants game at SBC park. It's one of the best baseball stadiums anywhere.

  2. bissap baobob in the mission district. somewhere around 17th or 18th St. and Mission. Senegalese food and drink. good atmosphere and awesome employees. and the have little baobob around the corner for fun dancing after dinner. seriously this is my favorite place in the city. you'll love it.

  3. happy late anniversary. i'm glad we got a chance to see you guys in oly...



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